Apart from the marketing campaign targeting youth and parents, Universidad Popular is also leading efforts to educate the business and service industry in proper protocol regarding alcohol service policies that are meant to prevent youth consumption and reduce consumption abuse by community members.
Marcela Espinoza and Edgar Montelongo will be training servers and employees that work and serve liquor in community of Little Village. Despite being a requirement for every employee in the establishment serving liquor to to be certified, Universidad Popular wants to make sure our community is not serving minors and is educated on what to do when serving alcohol to adults
The new BASSET law takes effect on July 1, 2015 requiring all on-premise alcohol servers and bouncers in Cook County to attend BASSET, and for ALL Illinois BASSET cardholders to renew their certification every three years.
Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Servers Education and Training (BASSET) is the State of Illinois’ responsible beverage seller/server program. Under the licensing and regulatory auspices of the Illinois Liquor Control Commission, BASSET is designed to encourage profitable, responsible, and legal alcohol sales and service.
The goals and objectives of the BASSET Program are:
Train and educate sellers and servers to engage in responsible alcohol service;
Spot signs of intoxication and utilize various intervention techniques;
Prevent DUIs and alcohol-related fatalities;
Stop underage sales and underage drinking;
Create safer communities and establishments where alcohol is served;
Educate owners, managers and staff on dram shop insurance, state laws, and local ordinances regarding alcohol service.
If you would like to sign up for our training. Click here!
If you have further questions, feel free reach Marcela or Edgar at (773) 733-5055