Tag Archives: Immigration

Digital Literacy Storytelling Series: Cruzando Fronteras

As a part of our Digital Literacy Program, the following writings and posts are the product of our participants in our Photoshop classes in the evening.  They created photos using the program Photoshop to illustrate a story of themselves, their experiences, and their aspirations. These post were designed, organized and written by them to demonstrate what they have learned in the Digital Literacy Program along with stories of their choosing.

Cuando Crucé la Frontera


En esta ocasión me da mucho gusto relatar parte de mi pasado cuando cruce la frontera hace 13 años.


Fue por ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, como a las tres de la mañana cruzamos el rio grande.  Éramos como unas once personas pero yo venía con dos amigos de mi pueblo. Nos quitamos parte de nuestra ropa y la llevábamos en la mano. Fue muy riesgoso pues cada vez que pisábamos la arena se hundía y sentía que me llevaba el agua. Pero uno de mis amigos me rescataba que no me llevara la corriente. Al final cruzamos el río y nos escondimos en una zanja grande.

Nos quedamos esperando el coyote como hora y media y al fin llego nos metimos en la cajuela de dos carros. Logramos burlar la migra y nos trajeron hasta Chicago. Cada tres horas nos checaban dentro de la cajuela a ver que no nos ahogáramos. Fue muy riesgoso.mqdefaultUMCFRLGX

Cuando ya llegamos aquí, fue decepcionante, creí que Chicago era diferente. En ese mismo momento me quería regresar, pero con muchos sacrificios encontré trabajo y me fui acostumbrando. Con el tiempo me fui enamorando de esta ciudad y ahora la ciudad es como mi casa–aunque un poco solo pues no tengo suerte para los amigos.imagesCTZECU5X

Ahora la Universidad Popular es parte de mi familia para no sentirme tan solo. Pues  uno de mis amigos murió aquí y el otro se regresó a México y  yo estoy tratando de ser feliz.   

 Salvador Hernandez

El Sueño de Estar en Estados Unidos

downloadNo tengo ni idea ni quiero empezar es una tristeza todo lo que pasan todos los que queremos aquí estar traemos  muchas ilusiones sin saber cómo nos irá.  Dejamos  todo para venir a superarnos sin saber si algún día podremos volver para atrás.

Inmigrantes-latinos-en-Estados-Unidos-de-AmericaEn el tiempo que acá estamos desgracias pasan y ni como de volvernos  pues después ya no podemos regresar. Pasa n los años, crecen los hijos, ya no quieren regresar decimos; ya no nos vamos; ¿cómo vamos a separar la familia sin pensar que desde que nos venimos todo perdimos? Por el disque gran sueño de estar en los Estados Unidos

           Andrea Falcón Frayre


A Big Thank You! From DePaul University Students to Universidad Popular

Last September 4th, DePaul University student from the Immigrant Youth in Chicago–Discover class visited our center in Little Village and were able to interact with many of our youth in a symposium-style session lead by our youth discussing the issue of the immigration process and growing up in Little Village. Today we received a few thank you notes from the DePaul students and we’re so happy to receive them that we thought we’d share them with you!


Universidad Popular was, hands down, one of my favorite organizations that we have visited during our class I loved being able to speak one-on-one with the kids. They are so adorable and creative, not to mention intelligent, it’s wonderful seeing them in an environment that benefits their learning. I love what this organizaation does for their community. It’s truly a wonderful thing. Thank you for spending that day with us and we hope to see you soon!


To Universidad Popular staff and members,

I would like to thank you so much for the wonderful time you offered myself and my DePaul colleagues! It was truly amazing to see how the community members all work together to help the community. Not to mention the activities the youth are given, like the “jumpin the border” imitation, that teach the youth to be compassionate and grateful. I would especially like to thank Santos and Adrian for helping out with the tour and being as interested in DePaul as we were in them! MUCHAS GRACIAS!



Universidad Popular,

Thank you so very much for allowing our class to experienjce the wonderful things you do for the youth in your community. It was so amazing to tour your organization and see how your dedication has changed the lives of so many people. I felt so incredibly welcomed by everyone, and it was such a fun and enjoyable day! Thank you again! You truly are changing lives.


I’d like to thank you for allowing our Discover class to come in and see Universidad Popular and what you guys do. I was really moved to see how an entire community pitches in to put something like Universidad Popular together for their kids. You don’t see that willingness to help children that much.

Thank you again,


Universidad Popular,

Thank you for allowing my Immigrant Youth in Chicago class to visit your organization. I met and talked with some very intelligents boys and I appreciate what your organization provides for them.Depaul5I would like to thank you for allowing us to visit your organization. Discussing immigrant based topics from the youth’s perspective was very different from the other stories adults told us. I will definitely be interested in volunteering in your community!

Thank you,


I loved the time we spent at your organization and the opportunity to ask the youth questions about their community. Thank you for having us 🙂


Universidad Popular staff and  volunteers,

Thank you for showing us and teaching us about your organization. I enjoyed learning about what it is you do and how you help the community. I loved being able to talk to the youth and answer all the questions they had. Hope to see you soon and best wishes!


Dear Universidad Popular,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us! I really enjoyed the conversations that we had in our small groups! Feel free to stop by DePaul anytime!

Thank you,