Category Archives: Computer Literacy

Digital Literacy Program for basic, intermediate and advanced computer learning

We are Learning to Succeed!

We are participants at Universidad Popular and we urge Governor Bruce Rauner to please sign Bill SB 2043.  We need to continue learning English. Thank you!

Our program participants took action into their own hands this week to urge Governor Bruce Rauner to please sign SB 2043. A bill that will appropriate State funding to adult education through the Illinois Community College Board.

On Twitter Tuesday, participants posted on UP’s twitter page getting over 320 impressions with followersCapture1On Website Wednesday, participants visited the Governor’s website to sign a petition for SB2043 and urge Rauner to sign the bill.

On Telephone Thursday, participants called the Governor’s Office at 217-782-0244  or 312-814-2121 and asked him to sign SB2043 see a video clip here 20160212_121629

On Facebook Friday we reached over 1000 people, please help us share this post!


Learning to Succeed (LETOS) provides English classes in the morning and evening for immigrant adults, with an emphasis on life skills, civic engagement, and community transformation. The curriculum and teaching method we use is based on popular education; there-fore, participants are encouraged to participate in class, curricula, and evaluation of the program. Classes take place at two different locations in Little Village and in Chicago Lawn.


At the community level the state budget crisis has rippled it’s outer rings and impacted direct services to workforce programs, computer training, after-school youth programs, adult education and family literacy. These programs provide educational training to hard working immigrants residing in the Chicagoland area.

Today, the State of Illinois continues to struggle as community centers fold and many others reduce services to less than 50% capacity. What should we tell people who knock on our doors at night who struggle to pay the rent and keep their homes warm in the cold winters? What should we tell people who are victims of violence due to a rise in crime and gun violence – “Do you want a job?”, “do you want to go to college?” if you don’t sorry we can not help you because you are not contributing to the States economy?

IMG_7296Little do you know these are hard working immigrants, they all have jobs, they all work long hours, they all want to get a better jobs, they all want to go to college or universities. But, they have other responsibilities and commit selfless acts, each person can not surrender thousands of dollars to institutions. Community centers provide a space where each learner gains confidence to build their communication skills to carry out conversations in English with their employers and at demanding times in the doctor’s office or with their children’s teachers. These types of programs must also be funded in order to equip those who can to continue in their educational paths and individual career pipelines even if the end result is a raise or a better position in a job they have committed their entire lives to.

How well do you know people committed to learn English?

“My name is Jose Diaz. I prefer to be called Jose. I was born in Puerto Rico. I am 49 years old. I came to Chicago on February 26th 2009. I am married.”

“My name is Betty Salguero. I prefer to be called Betty. I was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador. I am 47 years old. I came to Chicago on January 2010. I am married. I am a nurse. I like to work at O’Hare airport, I clean.  On my free time I like to watch movies. I love to eat Ecuadorian food. My favorite place to visit is the mall. I like to learn at Universidad Popular. ”

“My name is Maria Elena Romano. I prefer to be called Maria Elena. I was born in Mexico City. I am 61 years old. I came to Chicago on May 26th, 1994. I am married. I like to dance everything. On my free time I like to sing. My favorite food is American food. I am a participant at Universidad Popular since September 2015.”

“My name is Maria Barraza. I prefer to be called Mary. I was born in Durango, Mexico. I am 43 years old. I came to Chicago on October 1989. I am married. I am a first communion catechism teacher. I like to dance and I like to exercise with Zumba.  On my free time I like to watch TV, go to my mother’s house, walk and study English. I love to eat Mexican food. My favorite place to visit is Durango, Mexico. Every day I take my children to school.  I have four children. I work a lot at home and I take care of my mom.”


Digital Literacy Storytelling Series: Cruzando Fronteras

As a part of our Digital Literacy Program, the following writings and posts are the product of our participants in our Photoshop classes in the evening.  They created photos using the program Photoshop to illustrate a story of themselves, their experiences, and their aspirations. These post were designed, organized and written by them to demonstrate what they have learned in the Digital Literacy Program along with stories of their choosing.

Cuando Crucé la Frontera


En esta ocasión me da mucho gusto relatar parte de mi pasado cuando cruce la frontera hace 13 años.


Fue por ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, como a las tres de la mañana cruzamos el rio grande.  Éramos como unas once personas pero yo venía con dos amigos de mi pueblo. Nos quitamos parte de nuestra ropa y la llevábamos en la mano. Fue muy riesgoso pues cada vez que pisábamos la arena se hundía y sentía que me llevaba el agua. Pero uno de mis amigos me rescataba que no me llevara la corriente. Al final cruzamos el río y nos escondimos en una zanja grande.

Nos quedamos esperando el coyote como hora y media y al fin llego nos metimos en la cajuela de dos carros. Logramos burlar la migra y nos trajeron hasta Chicago. Cada tres horas nos checaban dentro de la cajuela a ver que no nos ahogáramos. Fue muy riesgoso.mqdefaultUMCFRLGX

Cuando ya llegamos aquí, fue decepcionante, creí que Chicago era diferente. En ese mismo momento me quería regresar, pero con muchos sacrificios encontré trabajo y me fui acostumbrando. Con el tiempo me fui enamorando de esta ciudad y ahora la ciudad es como mi casa–aunque un poco solo pues no tengo suerte para los amigos.imagesCTZECU5X

Ahora la Universidad Popular es parte de mi familia para no sentirme tan solo. Pues  uno de mis amigos murió aquí y el otro se regresó a México y  yo estoy tratando de ser feliz.   

 Salvador Hernandez

El Sueño de Estar en Estados Unidos

downloadNo tengo ni idea ni quiero empezar es una tristeza todo lo que pasan todos los que queremos aquí estar traemos  muchas ilusiones sin saber cómo nos irá.  Dejamos  todo para venir a superarnos sin saber si algún día podremos volver para atrás.

Inmigrantes-latinos-en-Estados-Unidos-de-AmericaEn el tiempo que acá estamos desgracias pasan y ni como de volvernos  pues después ya no podemos regresar. Pasa n los años, crecen los hijos, ya no quieren regresar decimos; ya no nos vamos; ¿cómo vamos a separar la familia sin pensar que desde que nos venimos todo perdimos? Por el disque gran sueño de estar en los Estados Unidos

           Andrea Falcón Frayre